Wondering where to get cheap and nice clothes?
Have no time to do shopping?
Or budgets limited ?
Hate the feeling of window shopping?
There's always online shopping!
No idea if it's trustable?
Facing one or any problems above? Absolve yourself from the troubles.
Go to Facebook and search for SingxFashion Preorder & ReadyStock
They are selling lots and lots of cheap and nice cute stuff like clothes, shoes and bags.
You know, some people might not trust online shopping, especially those blogshops.
But I can guarantee, this blog shop is 100% trustable and the owner is super duper friendly.
Look up their blog shop and the customers' feedback if you've doubts.
They have an album specially for the customers' feedback.
They even provide services on helping people to preorder things from Taobao ( The biggest online shopping in Asia )
I've tried buying clothes from them, so do not worry 😁
They might take up some times to reply you, as they have really many orders to take
So, be patient and wait for their reply.
They will update their items everyday, mostly with affordable prices.
Prefer Korean Style ? Western Style ? Japanese Style ?
They have them all !
Their profile picture 😁